Program Overview
The American Heritage Girls Program enables a girl to grow in her FAITH, cultivate a heart for SERVICE, and have more FUN than she can imagine!
American Heritage Girls remains committed to our founding principles of being Christ-centered and girl-centric.
AHG focuses on providing progressive Christian programming that is rich in opportunities for girls of all ages and abilities. As girls grow and change, so should the activities that they do. With each AHG Level, girls are introduced to new skills, experiences (including outdoor adventures) and leadership positions, as well as given opportunities to grow closer to the Lord.
Girls will gain a better understanding of their identity in Christ through the AHG Program. AHG’s multi-level Troop structure encourages girls to create friendships with girls of all ages. This unique Troop structure allows for mentorships and learning opportunities to occur naturally among girls. Girls learn to anchor their emotions in Christ in a caring and loving environment.
Outcome: A relational girl who invests in positive and loving relationships with others and clings to Christ when navigating emotions.
Nature reveals to us God’s beauty, glory, power, wisdom, presence, creativity, and, most of all, his loving care. Through the AHG Program, girls are encouraged to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking or camping several times a year. High Adventure activities are great times for team building, leadership, physical activity, and strengthening relationships with friends. The outdoors will educate girls about their natural world and the beauty God has bestowed upon them.
Outcome: A girl who values creation through outdoor experiences that display the glory of God’s creation.
Girls are encouraged to grow in their faith and relationship with God through the AHG Faith Award Program, prayer, fellowship, and service, which are woven throughout each aspect of the AHG Program.
Outcome: A Christ-follower who submits to Christ and seeks God’s will for her life.
The AHG Program is rich in leadership opportunities for girls of all ages. Girls discover their passions, acquire project management skills, hold leadership positions, and participate in leadership training.
Outcome: A servant leader who follows Jesus’ model of leadership by putting others first.

The AHG Program provides girls with a deeper understanding of their country and heritage. Girls cultivate honor for their country by participating in patriotic events, flag ceremonies, serving in their community, and through badge work. Serving others and being active citizens with their Troop, fosters a lifelong love for their country.
Outcome: An honoring girl who cares for her community as an active citizen through service and patriotism.
In the AHG Program, girls can step out of their comfort zone and try new experiences in a safe environment. Earning badges provides girls the opportunity to learn a wide array of life skills, inspiring them to become lifelong learners and doers. AHG’s six Badge Frontiers include: Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal Well-Being, and Science Technology.
Outcome: A competent girl who enjoys mastering new skills and applies them to her life.
More Information
For full information about the national organization go to
For local information about the following topics, please email Amy Songer at or Erin Early at For details about schedules check the calendar on this site or their Facebook page..